Wednesday, October 21, 2015


I took my son to see Hotel Transylvainia 2. I was doing it for him. I did't love the first one so my expectations were low. I actually really enjoyed this movie and I feel like it was better than the first one, Adam Slander did a great job writing and preforming this show.


Wednesday, October 14, 2015

The Martian

 The Martian

I have to admit when I saw this I was confused? It was too close to his Intersteller character I was worried that I couldn't separate it! Then my oldest son and his friend decided to go! 
They Love It!!! They said they would go see it again. Can you trust your kids taste in movies? 

I  have now heard from several sources that this is the best movie in theaters right now. I think my husband and I are going to go on a date night and see it this weekend.  Enjoy your Long UEA Weekend and check out this show. Of course we will go to our favorite theater Cinemark at Station Park.